How to schedule regular feed imports to the platform

In this article, we'll explain how to ensure you automatically fetch fresh, up-to-date product data from your store on a regular basis.

When you first import your feed to the WakeupData platform, it will run automatically within a minute, resulting in a schedule that will run at the same time every 24 hours. 

It's important, particularly at times of above-average demand, to time your project updates so that they sync with the most recent changes you are making at the source of your product data. 

E.g. If your business updates its product info from between 2 AM - 3 AM every day, it would make sense to schedule the import to take place daily sometime after 3 AM to contain the most recent update. 

Pro Tip: When you are running super busy sales events like Black Friday or at Christmas, it can be beneficial to schedule hourly runs for a near real-time up-to-date product feed. 

Here is how to manually adjust your project updates:

Step 1: Select "Details" from the schedules box.


Step 2: Select "Edit schedule".

Step 3: Click "Show advanced fields" for more fields.
Setup your updates based on your current needs. You can choose the time of the updates, recurrence, start date, and end date.

NB! Make sure to select the correct time zone!

Step 4: Once you saved the changes, you will see the time of the next update as well as the recurrence of it. 

NB! Please note that the time shown is UTC, therefore you have to add/subtract the time based on the timezone you selected.


You can add one or more updates during different times of the day, especially in times of high-demand as Black Friday/Christmas period.

If you choose to run your import more than once per day, it will incur an additional fee. Please contact your Customer Success Manager or for more information.