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Need help finding your feed URL for WakeupData Actions?

Here is a quick overview of how to find your product feed URL for use in WakeupData Actions.

Currently you can upload your Google Shopping or Facebook DPA feed in XML or TSV formats in WakeupData Actions and get actionable insights on your data, based on your product catalog, in minutes.

Below you will find 5 ways to find your product data feed URL:

1. Get it from your Google Merchant Centre account

2. Get it from your Facebook Business Manager

3. Get it from your product data feed management tool

If you are using a product data feed management system (such as Wakeupdata, Channable, Datafeedwatch), you can get your Google Shopping or Facebook feed exported from there, just get in touch with their support team and ask for your Google Shopping or Facebook feed.

4. Find a feed URL for a Google Spreadsheet

You can also load the contents of a Google Spreadsheet to the WakeupData Actions platform. To do that, you need to simply convert the spreadsheet into a tab separated .tsv file on a URL. Here is how to do it:

If you have more than one sheet in your file, choose the relevant sheet. And select Tab-separated values (.tsv)

In the last step you can copy your feed URL and paste it into 
WakeupData Actions.

Your final Feed URL should look something like this, with output=tsv at the end. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2.....SW/pub?gid=0&single=true&output=tsv

Visits Google's support article for more details on creating a tab delimited data feed.

NOTE: A Google Spreadsheet can be a great way to get started, if you only have a few products. If you expect to grow in the near future, you should consider one of the eCommerce platforms mentioned below.

5. Create a Google Shopping/Facebook feed using a feed management tool

If you have a custom solution or using a CMS system such as Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce - choose a product feed management system to generate a Google Shopping or Facebook DPA feed that you can import in WakeupData Actions.

Tip: WakeupData offers free trial to create a Google Shopping/Facebook feed. No commitments. No credit card needed.