How to disable or delete a project or channel?

In this article, we will outline how to disable or delete a project or channel. Please note that you can't undo this action.

If a project or channel you are working on is not relevant anymore, you can either disable it or delete it from your account. 

Disabling a Project or Channel

Disabling a project or channel means that it will no longer be updated, but all the changes that were made will still be available if you wish to re-enable it later.

Here is how to disable a project:

Within the project you wish to disable, first click 'MORE OPTIONS' then select 'DISABLE PROJECT' on the bottom of the list.


Here is how to re-enable a project:

Within the disabled project, first click 'MORE OPTIONS' then select 'RE-ENABLE PROJECT' on the bottom of the list.


Here is how to disable a channel:

Within the channel you wish to disable, first click 'MORE OPTIONS' then select 'DISABLE CHANNEL' on the bottom of the list.


Here is how to re-enable a channel:

Within the disabled channel, first click 'MORE OPTIONS' then select 'RE-ENABLE CHANNEL' on the bottom of the list.


Please note, that if you Disable a Project it will automatically disable all the Channels within that project. However if you Disable a Channel within a Project only the selected Channel will be disabled and the Project will not be affected


Deleting a Project or Channel

Deleting a project or channel means it will not be available anymore within the WakeupData platform, for all users.

If you deleted an import by mistake, please reach out to support@wakeupdata immediately for a backup (possible within 24 hours after the import was deleted).

Here is how to delete a project:

Within the project you wish to delete, first click 'MORE OPTIONS' then select 'DELETE PROJECT' on the bottom of the list.


Here is how to delete a channel:

Within the channel you wish to delete, first click 'MORE OPTIONS' then select 'DELETE CHANNEL' on the bottom of the list.


Please note, that if you Delete a Project it will automatically delete all the Channels within that project. However if you Delete a Channel within a Project only the selected  Channel will be deleted and the Project will not be affected