How to copy/sync Field Conversions?

Learn how to copy or sync your Field Conversions to other projects, to save time and be more efficient in your product feed management. 

Before you dive in, make sure you understand how field conversions works.

Let’s first take a look at the Copy functionality. 

How to COPY a field conversion to another project.

The COPY feature is great if you have a complex field conversion setup you don’t want to manually replicate in another project, but still want the freedom to edit the two projects individually after copying.

Go to your project, click 'Field Conversions' (1), click 'Edit' (2) on the Field Conversion you want to copy to another project.
Then click 'Copy to project(s)' (3).


Select the Client account you want to copy this field conversion to. Often you will only have 'Main account' (1), like in this example. 

Then choose the project or projects you want to copy this field conversion to (2).

And finally click 'Validate' (3) to verify it is possible to copy the selected field conversion to your chosen project/s.



The validation will show you if any fields are missing in your selected projects. In the example below, a 'Brand' field is missing in 'Project B' (1), so we select 'Project C' only and click 'Copy to checked projects' (3)


You can now go to your chosen project, click 'Field Conversions' and see the copied field conversion there. 

When you have copied a field conversion you can change it on the new project, and the original will not be affected. 

However, if you want the same conversion on two projects, controlled from ONE place, you can choose the SYNC option instead of copying. Read on below.


How to SYNC a field conversion to another project.

When a Field Conversion is synced, any changes made on the original will also take effect on all other projects where this field conversion is synced to. 

From your project overview, click ‘Field Conversions’ (1) and click ‘Edit’ (2) on the Field Conversion you want to Sync to another project.
Then click ‘Sync to project(s)’ (3)


Then enable the ‘Auto sync’ (1) > click ‘Chose projects to sync to’ (2) > Choose your ‘Client’ (3) > select the project/s you want to sync to (4) > and validate your choice (5)  


If there are no missing fields in the validation of your project you can select it (1) and click ‘Sync to checked projects’

Now your field conversion will also have effect on your chosen project, in this case ‘Project C’ and any changes you make to it will have effect on all synced projects.

This is particularly useful when you have multiple projects with the same setup, ie. for many different countries. 

Maintaining only a handful of field conversions will make you more efficient and save time. 

For more on Field Conversions, check out the What are Field Conversions article.